
How should I time my meals for maximum athletic performance?

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Always space your full meals ~ 3-4hours apart. The pre-activity meal will be your biggest of the day and should be consumed 2-3hrs before the event, consist of ~55-70%  (depending on length of activity - 70 for endurance sports) carbohydrate, 20% protein (very lean meats such as skinless chicken or turkey), 10-15% fat (most from the proteins - i.e. little none added).

Carbohydrates, for the pre-activity meal only, should be mostly processed (e.g. white pasta, rice, skinless potatoes, very few to no vegetables, etc.) so not to slow digestion and comfortable absorption thus leaving the stomach almost empty and energy systems mostly full. Follow the pre-event meal with a small CHO & protein snack/shake 30mins before activity (and immediately after for faster recovery). On all days try to follow the below pre & post meal timing instructions and use the pre-workout formula shown:

Training meals and supplement timing instructions:

• Pre-training/event full food meal consumed ~2-3 hours before your major activity

– If your activity is first thing in the morning with no time for complete digestion of a full meal, use pre-workout formula only but eat your pre-game/training meal before bedtime

• Pre-workout shake/bar: consume 10-40 min before activity

• Post- workout shake/bar (same formula as the pre): immediately after workout

• Post-training/event full food meal consumed ~1-2HRS post training

dotFIT Pre/Post Meal Replacement & Workout Formula

• Take 2 scoops 10-40 minutes before workout or use favorite dotFIT® bar for convenience

• Take 2 scoops (or dotFIT bar) immediately post workout