
I would like to get big - I have been trying for a year and have not good results.

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Answer: If you use the dotFIT Me program all the answers you need are within. Enter your weight weekly or weight and body fat bi-weekly and the program feedback will tell you what to do to stay on goal. Here is a link to an article that captures the most important information you need as it relates to gaining muscle and busting through plateaus: The Perfect Anabolic Storm.

As long as you are regularly performing unaccustomed strength training, the rest of the equation to continually gain muscle lies in your nutrition - including your supplement program. Follow it exactly as suggested and you will gain as much muscle a genetically possible. And by the way, most people never reach their maximum muscle size because they don’t optimize what is actually used to build the muscle: the stuff that goes into your body (that’s what ends up in your muscle!).

All your answers are within the dotFIT Me program, including the ideal individualized exercise and nutrition programs that will take you all the way to your goal.

We will have one of our phone coaches take you through the program set up at no charge so that you fully understand how to use it properly to achieve your goal, and it’s very simple.

There is a $9.95 monthly subscription fee that you can cancel at any time and a money back guarantee that you will be satisfied – and you will be more than satisfied.

Again one of our phone coaches will get you started at no charge. Please contact Michael Oviedo at or 877.436.8348 for your complimentary coaching session.