on February 13, 2019
Controlling your weight comes down to one thing - managing calories. More...
on February 13, 2019
Although many people succeed at losing weight, few manage to keep the weight off for the long haul. Those who have are referred to as “successful losers” and research studies on these individuals reveal the keys to permanent weight loss. More...
on February 13, 2019
Years of misjudging your intake by just a few calories at a time will end up sabotaging your weight. For example, if you gain the average amount of one pound per year, this means you’re off by only 10 calories a day. More...
on February 13, 2019
Dieting to lose weight is difficult at best, and generally ends in frustration for the average person. The majority of people gain most of the weight back within the first year. However, there are three strategies that have consistently proven to be effective in losing weight and maintaining the loss. More...

Answer: No. Eating more calories than you burn makes you fat, whether those calories come from carbohydrates, protein or fat.
Fructose has been mistakenly implicated in weight gain. Often those who blame this natural sweetener reference studies that give laboratory animals enormous quantities of it, many times greater than the amount that anyone would eat. In this case, exceptionally high levels of pure fructose can lead to fat buildup in the liver and high triglyceride levels. No normal or even a somewhat abnormal diet would provide this level of fructose.

Plus, as you know fruit is good for you. It provides nutrients and fiber that are beneficial to human health while containing nature’s own sweetener, fructose.