on February 13, 2019
If you had gone to the gym only ten times each year for approximately half an hour, engaging in a light workout, you would be 20 pounds lighter. More...
on February 13, 2019
Using these simple stretches and movements throughout your work day can prevent injury and loss of flexibility, both of which are common repercussions of sedentary jobs. More...
on February 13, 2019
Controlling your weight comes down to one thing - managing calories. More...
on February 13, 2019
Dieting to lose weight is difficult at best, and generally ends in frustration for the average person. The majority of people gain most of the weight back within the first year. However, there are three strategies that have consistently proven to be effective in losing weight and maintaining the loss. More...
on February 13, 2019
Although many people succeed at losing weight, few manage to keep the weight off for the long haul. Those who have are referred to as “successful losers” and research studies on these individuals reveal the keys to permanent weight loss. More...
on February 13, 2019
Recent science has demonstrated that certain blends of natural herbs combined with other safe compounds have the ability to enhance weight loss results. Proper use can significantly reduce the time and work normally required to accomplish these goals. More...

I have a sedentary job and I'm having some trouble reaching my calorie deficit, even with a daily gym workout.

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Answer: First of all, keep in mind that you can still reach your calorie deficit on the days you don’t hit your calorie burn target by eating less. To increase your calorie burn during the day, you have to move every chance you get; especially when you’re not at work. Every movement burns calories and small bouts of activity add up when you’re consistent. Here are some tips:

  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier and go for a short brisk walk
  • Park as far as you can at work to get a few more steps and minutes of activity
  • Take the stairs whenever you can
  • Devote your morning and afternoon breaks for short walks or climbing stairs
  • Use part of your lunch break to walk or hit the gym and eat your lunch at your desk
  • Stand up or pace when possible – during phone calls, meetings, kid’s games, practices and watching TV
  • Set up your work station so you can stand up
  • Sit on a stability ball instead of a chair
  • Work harder at the gym using intervals, sprints, hills and circuit training
  • Try a new activity to rev up your metabolism

If you need to, you can catch up on your calorie deficit by adding to your weekend workouts. An extra 45 minute walk will burn about 200 calories. Remember, cutting back on calories will also help you reach your calorie deficit. Eat smaller portions at each meal and skip any extra calories from coffee drinks, sodas, alcohol and deserts. You’ll hit your weight loss goal if on average, you’re in a calorie deficit. Having a smaller deficit on some days won’t affect your results if you make up for it by reaching a greater deficit on different days.