
The best pre-game meal is one that can be completely digested before the event but also fill your energy stores close to their full potential so that you can top them off with a fast digesting pre-workout formula 30 minutes before your event. Whole food takes time to digest and brings blood flow to the stomach and away from the muscles, which is why you have your pre-game meal 2-3hrs before your event.

The pre-game meal would be consumed 2-3hrs before the event and consist of ~60% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 20% fat. Carbohydrates, for this meal only, should be processed (e.g. white pasta, rice, skinless potatoes, very few to no vegetables, etc.) so as not to slow digestion. Follow this meal with a small CHO & protein snack/shake 30mins before and immediately after. Below is the proper timing of food and supplement intake elite athletes follow. Additionally, using the dotFIT program, you can design your ideal sports nutrition plan including athletic menus individualized for you with proper protein requirements, meal timing and complete food plans with the correct mix of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Simply fill in your personal statistics, set your weight goal and create your program. The program will automatically give you pre- and post-event eating plans including instructions.

Training meals and supplement timing instructions:

• Pre-training/event full food meal consumed ~2-3 hours before your major activity

– If you train first thing in the morning with no time for full meal, use pre-workout formula only

• Pre-workout shake/bar: consume 10-40 min before activity

• Post- workout shake/bar (same formula as the pre): immediately after workout

• Post-training/event full food meal consumed ~1-2HRS post training

dotFIT Pre/Post Meal Replacement & Workout Formula

• Take 2 scoops 10-40 minutes before workout or use favorite dotFIT® bar for convenience

• Take 2 scoops (or dotFIT bar) immediately post workout