on February 13, 2019
Maintaining proper fluid balance is essential for every athlete since small levels of dehydration can negatively impact performance. Not getting enough fluids, high humidity or environmental temperature can interfere with the body’s ability to maintain a normal temperature. It’s very important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of dehydration to prevent illness and injury. More...
on February 13, 2019
On any given day, the scale can lie and your true progress won’t be accurately reflected by your weight. More...
on February 13, 2019
Controlling your weight comes down to one thing - managing calories. More...
on February 13, 2019
Although many people succeed at losing weight, few manage to keep the weight off for the long haul. Those who have are referred to as “successful losers” and research studies on these individuals reveal the keys to permanent weight loss. More...
on February 13, 2019
Recent science has demonstrated that certain blends of natural herbs combined with other safe compounds have the ability to enhance weight loss results. Proper use can significantly reduce the time and work normally required to accomplish these goals. More...

Answer:  The short answer is no. Drinking more water is not a weight loss program. Excessive fluid intake will not enhance fat loss. In fact, there is a real danger to excessive fluid intake called hyponatremia or water intoxication. This occurs when the body’s plasma sodium levels become diluted. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and headache and can lead to a coma if not addressed. In 2007 a woman died as the result of excessive water intake related to a radio station contest, bringing public attention to this relatively rare occurrence.

On the flip side, not taking in enough water can impair every function in the human body to some degree. Poor fluid intake is still the number one performance obstacle for athletes. As little as a 2% decrease in total body water can decrease performance by as much as 10%. Thirst can be a poor indicator of fluid needs, especially in the elderly and adolescents. Adding to the risk of dehydration is the fact that water is lost in the body at a rate greater than it can be drunk and absorbed during activity.  There are many factors that affect fluid needs, but 8-12 cups of accumulated fluid (from food and beverage) a day will meet most needs. Keep in mind that all fluids and even food provide water. If you sweat a lot, exercise often and work/workout in hot, humid conditions, your needs will be greater.