
No. Eating more calories than you burn makes you fat, whether those calories come from carbohydrates, protein or fat.   Any amount of food/calories you consume over the average amount of calories you burn will be stored as fat. At the end of the day, it is our fitness unfriendly environment that forces us to sit or not move most of the day, combined with our biology that has hardwired us to eat when food is available (and all of it) whether we are hungry or not that has led to overweight societies in developed nations. Americans eat ~250 more calories per day than they did a decade ago and they move less because of technology and lifestyle. Just remember one thing, excess calories make you fat.


Carbohydrates provide the bulk of calories in the diet for most of the world's population. They represent the major energy source for the average American as well. Daily intake should be at least 50 percent of total caloric intake, and 50-70 percent is often recommended for athletes. This large amount is recommended because carbohydrates are relatively easy for the body to break down so they provide a readily available source of energy. All that said, stick to fibrous carbohydrates like vegetables and whole grains. Refined carbohydrates such as bleached grains and sugar products should be avoided as much as possible. Fibers are complex carbohydrates that are largely indigestible. They are beneficial in that various types of fibers have been shown to decrease cholesterol, slow sugar absorption, increase the feeling of fullness, and change the rate of digestion. Most diets should include 25-30 grams of fiber daily.