If you are deficient in any of the essential nutrients involved in developing and building muscle the answer is yes. Our recommendation is that everyone, young, old or no matter the fitness goal, should use a daily multivitamin and mineral formula (MVM) just like all the athletes we work with because studies continue to show that no one gets all the necessary nutrients from daily diet. So you should be using a MVM regardless. There are ~40 essential (must be supplied through diet or supplements) vitamins, minerals and other bio-chemicals, which are responsible for virtually all metabolic and developmental processes that take place in the body including, energy production, cell division & replication, and muscle building. Therefore if you are even marginally short on your overall daily needs for extended periods, some parts of the body will get less than it needs to function optimally including muscle building. To gain “good weight” (muscle not fat), adults need to participate in some form of resistance exercise and follow a good eating and supplement plan. The dotFIT program has the perfect plan. All you need to do is enter your body statistics and goal and the plan will be created for you. Here is a summary of your weight gain instructions and supplement plan to gain ~1 LB of muscle every 2 weeks: your total daily calorie intake should be moderately above current expenditure. If weight gain does not occur as described, you may add roughly 100 to 250 calories to your daily total (based on body size). If preferred, use your exercise shakes or snacks to supply extra calories. Following the addition of extra calories, if after one week weight gain does not occur, repeat the above process. Supplement plan:

Active multivitamin mineral formula

• Take 1 daily with breakfast or any other larger meal

• Use SuperCalcium+ and SuperOmega-3 as necessary – i.e. not getting enough from food

First String (pre, post workout and weight gain formula)

• Take 2 scoops 10-30 minutes before workout or use favorite dotFIT® bar for convenience

• Take 2 scoops 20 minutes post workout (if also using AB post workout, take FS 20mins after)

• Use anytime throughout the day to add calories as necessary to maintain weight gain