
What are some of the best nutrition supplements?

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Below displays the most common supplement programs used by exercisers and people concerned with maintaining and improving their health. However, at a minimum, everyone should take a daily multivitamin & mineral for health and a before and after workout formula when exercising.

Health Supplements

• Targeted multivitamin & mineral formula (1-2 tabs daily)

• Super Omega 3 Fish Oil (1 tab daily when not consuming fish)

• Surperior Antioxidant (1 tab daily)

• Super Calcium: use if you do not meet the daily needs of calcium (~1000-1200 mgs) and Vitamin D (1000IU) from sunlight, multivitamin and food intake.

Training Supplements

AminoBoostXXL (before and after training/games only)

• Take 2-scoops 10-30 min before workout (may add a Gatorade-type product)

• Take 2 -scoops immediately following workout

Pre/Post Workout Shake (before and after training/games)

• Take 2-scoops within the same window of time as the AminoBoostXXL: 10-30min before workout or use favorite dotFIT® bar for convenience in place of the shake

• Take 2-scoops 20min post workout (or 1 bar if more convenient)

• Use anytime as a meal if necessary

If you are looking for health and fitness support through supplements and want full product disclosure (rationale for use, safety, contraindications, etc.) you can click the link below to the dotFIT Supplement Reference Guide (SRG) that is used by all our sport/health professionals and published by our Scientific Advisory Board and R&D team. The first section will give you all you need regarding recommendation and manufacturing processes. dotFIT is a research and development company for sports, fitness and health professionals; therefore all products must pass our evidence-based advisory and legal committee rules, including third-party testing procedures. Individual products can be found in respective sections.
