on February 13, 2019
Controlling your weight comes down to one thing - managing calories. More...
on February 13, 2019
Dieting to lose weight is difficult at best, and generally ends in frustration for the average person. The majority of people gain most of the weight back within the first year. However, there are three strategies that have consistently proven to be effective in losing weight and maintaining the loss. More...
on February 13, 2019
Years of misjudging your intake by just a few calories at a time will end up sabotaging your weight. For example, if you gain the average amount of one pound per year, this means you’re off by only 10 calories a day. More...

Am I just too old to lose weight easily? I am 55 years old and female.

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Answer: The simple answer is no. The laws of physics never ignore you, regardless of your age. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Most studies show a relationship between aging and weight loss, but the culprit is not age itself or a slowing metabolism. Decreased movement is the biggest reason for easy weight gain as you age. Women tend to eat similar amounts as they did when they were younger, but tend to exercise less.

You can slightly alter your lifestyle to include more movement from not only traditional exercise, but also by changing the way you perform everyday activities that burn calories such as standing/pacing versus sitting whenever possible, parking further away from your destination, taking stairs more often, etc.